‘Satellite Beach’, an award winning film directed by actor Luke Wilson and his brother Andrew follows the unique journey of the Endeavour space shuttle as it travels through the streets of Los Angeles to the California Science Center. Watch as Warren Flowers, a devoted and unlikely shuttle manager navigates the mission on his own accord while the citizens, reporters, and officials are perplexed by his involvement.
This live-action short film was shot over the course of three days with a small crew of 7 and an original score created by Lukas Nelson & Promise of The Real. Wilson’s film has dominated the festival circuit with 30 official selections and has won awards for Best Short Film, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Live Drama and The Bruce Corwin Award for Best Live Action Short Film Under 30 Minutes.
Discover the journey of one mans dedication and an individual who will guide audiences on an unsuspecting mission. This 1st part series will give you a glimpse into this historical shuttle event and make you question, who is Warren Flowers?